Sunday, April 02, 2006

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Han Solo said...

going by our ages-we are the auldest aul' hauns on CQN.......



lovejoysalegend said...


I know it says simple, but you really gotta get the painters and decorators in :o)

Ghandi in Indian colours very patriotic, or was he really from Ireland :o)

Well we do try to claim everything, you know!

Curly said...

Hello Shug,

Just thought I would pop over here to India to see how things are. Funny, don't feel any warmer either. Still got the heating on and 6 layers of clothing! Must be auld age thinning the blood.

Got a real fleg earlier on - came home from work and logged on after my supper. Discovered an e-mail from pablo. Attached was a .jpg file. Opened it up to see noel90 and pablo at the Livi Boxing Day game 2005. Was very glad to see that I ain't the fattest on CQN!!

Better nae tell them I said that, eh?

Right, time to go to the pub - Monday night is darts practice night. Take it easy bud, later.


lovejoysalegend said...


Get yer finger out and get your blog up and running!

naesnakesinOK said...



Anonymous said...

Curly, ya blogtrotting hoor ! I am a svelt 11 stone, 90 is anywhere between 15 and 20. Where do you fit in ????

Shug, gawnny gie's some ae that fukin' heat ????


Curly said...

Bollox (can I say that in India?), pablo is stalking me. Everywhere I go he is there, usually ripping the crap outa me.

Nasty man.

Morning Hugh, how's things on the sub-continent?

Cold, wet and miserable here. Exactly the same as yesterdy in fact. Ho hum.

Never even got on the dart board last night, some young hauns were on, so left them to it and just nattered to my mate and his missus. Passed a couple of hours before home time.

Work calls - take it easy, pal.


lovejoysalegend said...


At least you're only cold, wet and miserable

We're cold, wet, blowin a hurricane and fecking miserable!!!

As pablo asked, gonnae send some heat this way Hugh!

Curly said...

lj -

When I was talking about "cold, wet and miserable". I was refering to masel, nae the weather. 80))

Anyhoo, there will be a whole lot of Tims up in this neck of the woods tomorrow - thanks goodness for that, we need some colour in the grey place that is Aberdeen.

My prediction is Aberdeen 1 - 3 Celtic.


Curly said...

OK, so the prediction of the score was wrong, but not the result.

The big one is tonight however.

I am going to go for a wee Celtic win, 4-0 methinks. Going by our apparent need to lose 3 goals away from home, the above result puts us into the quarters, and we don't even need to play the second leg. Except the bhoys will be wanting their away trip, so we will play it anyway.

Jeezo - this is me without drink!

Anyway, a big Hail! Hail! to you Shug from the North East. Hope you enjoy the game on C67 Radio. We will probably hear your cheers from here when each of goals go in the net!


Curly said...

Och Shug,

First rule of advertising - make the product look appealing to the viewing public. You really must tart this place up a bit in order to get the punters in the door.

Go on, you know you want to!

Curly whodoesn'thavethebrainstoevenstartablog

Curly said...

Morning Shug, from a slightly overcast, but dry Turra.

Pablo is still sawing up sticks, and I noticed on CQN that he was online after 4 this morning. I however was in my scratcher about 1am, but then again, I am older than that young pup!

Hopefully he has enjoyed his weekend up here in the North East.

What you been up to this weekend? More lazing around at the beach, with a frosty in you hand? Life can be soooo tough at times!!


Curly said...

Hellooooooo. Anyone here? Nah? Och, weel.

I think the Marie Celeste had more life than this place. That is 5 in a row now for me. Does no one want to speak to me?


Curly said...

Shug -

Hey, hey, hey, you have had the decorators in. "About time too", he scolded!

Simple but effective. A bit like me then.


naesnakesinOK said...

Work in progress, Curly, work in progress. I've decided I need a hobby.

Curly said...

Shug -

I need a hobby too. Have talked for ages about transferring my walking to the living room, especially in the winter months or when it rains (about 360/365 days then!). So am finally looking at treadmills, but they ain't cheap.

However, if it helps keep me out of the pub, then it will be worthwhile - losing the pounds while saving the pounds sort of thing? Need to get rid of the pounds I put on this weekend when pablo was up north!

That is my job for this evening - to find a reasonably good treadmill at an affordable price. Sounds easy, eh? Wish me luck.


Curly said...

Hi SHug,

Well, I've gone and done it. Bought the treadmill that is. So these nights I am busy walking as I watch tv, so no longer a couch potato, more like a treadmill turkey!

I have to get into my leathers for the biking season! Not that it is weather for bikes just now - took me over 1 1/4 hours to travel 20 miles this morning, very icy roads and not a gritter in sight - what a surprise! NOT!!

Hows things in sunny India? Or are you back home yet?

naesnakesinOK said...

Hiya Curly

Been home, reverted to a metaphorical fetal position with the family. It's difficult to type when you;re sucking both thumbs.

What do you mean, whose thumbs? You stick to your treading fetish, I'll stick to my sucking fetish.

Not sure that sounds right. Who cares?

Anyway, back in India, uncurling. Not a problem for you I believe.

Fancy a curry in Glasgow in May?

Curly said...

A curry in Glasgow in May? Why not, as long as my free time fits in with your time at home.

I know that I am down on May 16th, cos I actually was successful in getting tickets for the UEFA Cup Final at Hampden! Applied for them a couple of weeks ago, and they sent me a confirmation e-mail last Friday which I got once back home in Turra after the weekend in Glasgow. Such excitement - another trip to the big smoke!

Drop me a line on my e-mail once you know when your going to be home and I will try to work out with my ex re time with the hooligans - we are both usually pretty flexible, so don't expect too many problems.

Re the treadmill - lost 4 lbs between Sun - Fri last week! Combination of eating sensibly plus the walking. Put it all back on over the weekend due to no exercise, lots of beer, and eating crisps, chocolate, pies, pizza, KFC and of course, chips! A good (?) Scottish diet there then!!

Better head back to work - y'all take it easy.


Curly said...



Unknown said...

Hope you don't mind but this did seem to fit in with your pics on the front
I suppose you know about Mahatma Ghandi
>As you know he walked barefoot most of the time.
>This produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet.
>He also ate very little. This made him rather frail.
>Due to his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath.
>This made him a super-callused, fragile mystic, hexed by halitosis.

naesnakesinOK said...


Thanks for leaving that here. You know that could get you jailed in India, for disrespect. Seriously. At the very least they'd burn effigies of you in the street.

It should get you the jail in Scotland too.


Would that be CHAMPIONEES AGAIN! Or STILL! What would look better on the tshirt do you think?

How's the treading going?

Unknown said...

What can I say, we complain about bigotry over here but sometimes places like India show just how intolerant people can be

Curly said...

Hugh -

I have dug out my old "2 good" tee. Drop a Balti on the tee and rubbed it in to obscure the (2002) date on the front, and it can almost be taken for new!

I have been treading away, although not as much as I should. I have however, taken up golf again, so have had my 3rd round in 5 days. This should get me my handicap at Turriff GC where I have joined. I now have no excuses for not going out more - at least it makes me do some exercise.

Have you been over in my wee blog yet? I have linked you, so you need to do the same.

Take care,


Han Solo said...

Linky done Shug !

naesnakesinOK said...

Can I post to my own blog?

Curly said...

Hugh -

Good to meet up with you for a drink. All the best back in Chennai. Pass on my regards to the loon - chennaiseachick? ;¬))
