Sunday, April 02, 2006

Bhoy Gandhi

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Stefan Slim said...

Chennai I see both you and SingaporeCelt have problems for the game tonight....doubt if this will work for you considering your location(s) but from here in Holland i use

Go into weekday matches>Celtic game and download and use the SOPCAST link, which has a low bitrate and great picture(for me anyhow)

If ir works maybe you can let Singapore know as he has no email I can see.

Obviously i am using your blog to give you this info as Paul67 does not allow links on CQN.

Good Luck. Hail Hail.

naesnakesinOK said...

Cheers sdstim, I'll give that a try. Not had much luck with Sopcast before, but I've never tried it through that link. I'll let you know